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Zygomatic implants in Manchester are an ideal alternative to those needing extensive upper-jaw bone grafting and can be carried out in one single stage.

Sometimes, patients with severe bone loss are told that they aren’t suitable for dental implant treatment. In some cases, this problem can be fixed with extensive bone grafting. But what if a patient can’t undergo a bone graft or a sinus lift? This is where zygomatic implants in Manchester can help.

Zygomatic implants in Manchester – The procedure explained

Before any type of implant placement – and zygomatic implants here in Manchester are no exception – we’ll take an all-important CBCT scan. This determines the exact positioning and trajectory of the zygomatic implants, avoiding any nerves or sinus cavities.

The next step is to take an exact structural model of the jaw. This may be an anatomical mock-up or a 3D virtual model, enabling us to assess the shape of your jaw and cheekbone.

Once everything has been planned, we use minimally invasive computer-guided surgery to carefully insert the zygomatic implant through the mouth and up into the cheekbone, where it is anchored. This immediately creates a super-strong platform, and along with any conventional implants, it can be used to support a fixed denture or bridge, giving you instant support and stability. All treatments are carried out under sedation, so you remain comfortable throughout.

By the end of the day, patients can expect to walk out with a brand new, permanent smile that they can be proud of.

Zygomatic implants in Manchester – Helping to treat more patients better.

Over the past few years, zygomatic dental implants have become the gold standard in cases of patients with severely resorbed maxilla. Without this, many patients would otherwise require invasive and extensive bone grafting before dental implants could eventually be placed. Zygomatic implants here in Manchester helping to avoid grafting, shorten treatment time, and deliver significant improvements in functionality and aesthetics.

To find out more about zygomatic implants, Manchester residents should come and talk to the team at Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics. We’re one of the few dentists in the area who have the skills and knowledge to offer this treatment. Book a consultation today and see how we can help you to turn your life around!


Zygomatic Implants: What exactly are they?

Zygomatic implants are rigid, long, and specially-designed implants which fix directly into the dense zygomatic bone – the upper jawbone that forms the cheek.

Unlike natural jawbone, the zygomatic bone doesn’t resorb. As a result, longer angled zygomatic implants allow severe bone loss patients to benefit from a fixed prosthesis which can be fitted straight after implant placement surgery.

Typically, our team at Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics will use two zygomatic implants in addition to 2-4 conventional implants to hold a fixed denture, but if the bone is extremely limited, then we can use up to 4.

Why should you consider zygomatic implants?

There are several reasons why Manchester patients might want to consider zygomatic implants. Firstly, zygomatic implant placement is less invasive than having to undergo complex bone grafting and/or sinus lifting.

Secondly, even if you are able to undergo dental implant treatment with extensive bone grafting, it can take up to 6 months before you receive your permanent teeth. With zygomatic implant restorations, patients receive their new restorations that same day.

Although the zygomatic implant process takes considerably longer than conventional implants, treatment is very similar from a patient’s perspective. Using the latest techniques at our disposal, we don’t need to carry out a wide surgical exposure, meaning the implant process is quick and convenient. And because we use the latest in dental sedation – comfortable throughout.

For more information regarding this treatment
Contact us or Call 0161 486 0743
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