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12 October 2023

Award Winning Dentist-more awards added to our collection!

Awards Season Kicks off With a Bang as we Become an Award Winning Dentist again!

We attended the Clinical Dentistry Awards and the Stockport Business Awards recently. We are delighted to announce that we were winners at both, making us an award winning dentist YET AGAIN! Read on to find out about each ceremony, and the awards that we brought home.

Award Winning Dentist at The Clinical Dentistry Awards 2023

We have not entered these awards before so were honoured to have been shortlisted in all four categories that we entered; Best Aesthetic Practice, Best Orthodontic Practice, Best Implant Practice and Best overall Clinical Practice.
The awards ceremony took place in London on Friday 29th September and eight members of the Cheadle Hulme Dental team attended the event. It was an amazing night, and we were delighted to be sharing the room with some of the most amazing dental practices and dental professionals in the UK.
The Clinical Dentistry Awards are judged on clinical cases that we provide to showcase the amazing level of dentistry we do here. Therefore it is a huge accolade to receive awards at this event because it shows that we are doing the highest level of dentistry possible.
Therefore, we are delighted to announce that we picked up two highly commended awards for Best Implant Practice North and Best Overall Clinical Practice North. We are absolutely thrilled to be an award winning dentist in these categories!

Award winning dentist at the Clinical Dentistry Awards
Some of the team with one of our Highly Commended Awards

Watch our clinical awards highlights here:

The Stockport Business Awards 2023!

So, less than a week later, on Thursday 5th October, we attended the Stockport Business Awards. We were shortlisted in the category Most Promising Young Business. Five of the team attended, with Dr Karim being unable to attend because he was completing his Orthodontic Diploma in Bristol.
We were completely honoured to share the room with some of the most successful businesses in the Stockport area and it was nice hanging out with some non-dentists for a change!
Jenny Powell was hosting and giving out the awards too so that was a nice bonus!
Our award was given out around half way through the ceremony and we were really nervous. We were up against two amazing local companies so the competition was fierce! However, we are proud to announce that we won and were very happy going up to collect this award! We love the fact that we are not only an award winning dentist in the dental field, but also in the local business field too.

award winning dentist at the stockport business awards
Some of the team with the Most Promising Young Business award



Find out more about our award winning dentist here:

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