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15 November 2023

Referral Dental Practice- Refer Your Patients to us Today!

Cheadle Hulme Dental is now a referral dental practice for local dental clinics to refer their patients to us for treatments or procedures that they are unable to carry out themselves.

our referral dental practice
Our large clinic in Cheadle Hulme means we can see patients who require specialist treatments

We have patients referred to us from many local practices and for a variety of reasons including:

  • CT scans and OPT X-Rays as we have our own in-house Kodak CS31800 machine which is an up to the minute CT and OPT scanner with which we can send results to the referring dentist and/or patient within 24 hours.
  • Implants
  • Dentures
  • Orthodontic treatments
  • Endodontic work
  • Periodontic work
  • Restorative work
  • Sedation
  • Oral Surgery

Our Referral Dental Practice Clinicians

We have numerous dentists who can treat patients in specialist areas:

Our Referral Process and Journey

1.Referral comes through from another practice directly to the referral co-ordinator which is responded to immediately. She then calls the patient and their dental practice and liaises with them regarding the case. This can be done by completing our referral form.

2.The patient is offered a free consultation at our referral dental practice to get to know us and discuss their treatment. At this appointment they will have a intra-oral scan done and we will book them an appointment with the appropriate specialist.

3.The specialist dentist will devise a treatment plan, including a video,  which will be sent to the patient’s dentist also.

4.During the course of the treatment, videos and reports are sent to the patient’s dentist to keep them informed about what is being done, how the patient is responding and how the case is progressing. Videos of any scans taken will be included in this.

5.Once the treatment is completed the patient is signed off and handed back to their own dentist, and all of their records are archived from our databases so that they don’t receive any marketing from us so that there is no conflict of interest.

6.A final report and all scans are sent to the patient’s dentist, including videos.

7.The referral co-ordinator will then do a final call to the patient to make sure everything has gone smoothly and ask for feedback.

Find out more by watching our referral dental practice video.

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Taking your smile in a positive direction

When it comes to a friendly, caring, and professional dentist in Cheadle Hulme, you won’t find better than Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics. Why not book an appointment by contacting us directly at 0161 486 0743? We look forward to welcoming you.

General Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Straightening

Dental Implants

Advanced Dentistry

Facial Aesthetics

General Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Straightening

Dental Implants

Advanced Dentistry

Facial Aesthetics

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