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03 August 2022

Boutique Teeth Whitening, our best system

Boutique teeth whitening gets some of the best results on the market, but what makes it the best system we offer to patients?

Boutique teeth whitening uses premium quality gel

The gel that the Boutique system uses is of the highest grade. It is premium quality and therefore it will get the best results, yielding the lightest shades in the quickest amount of time. It’s also less likely to make the teeth as sensitive as other gels do.

The trays are made using digital scans

Do you hate having impressions taken (you know, when the dentist shoves putty in your mouth that makes you gag and holds it there for ages while you get jaw ache)?! Well, with the Boutique teeth whitening system the great news is; THERE ARE NO IMPRESSIONS! The Boutique teeth whitening trays are made using digital scans. The digital scan is created using a scanning probe which the dentist will gently move around each tooth to create a digital picture. This means that the trays actually fit much better than trays made using impressions, which means they are more comfortable to wear and it’s less likely that the gel will seep out.

How does it work?

You will initially have a white check with the dentist. If your teeth are ok for whitening, you will have the digital scans done which takes about 15 minutes. After 2 weeks, you will then come back to collect your trays and gel from the practice. You will take these home and wear the trays with the gel in overnight, each night for as long as you need to to achieve your desired shade. You keep the trays and can top up your shade whenever you want to, and can buy extra gel for this and use in the original trays.

How much does Boutique teeth whitening cost?

At Cheadle Hulme Dental we charge £300, although in other practices you may pay up to £500.

To watch our video on Boutique teeth whitening follow this link:

For more information about teeth whitening in general, and the other whitening packages we offer:

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