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12 September 2023

Dental Implants: Perfect Solution for Missing Teeth in Bramhall

In the dim and distant past the only solution for one or more missing teeth was a set of dentures or a bridge – or to grin and bear it. With advances in dental technology, tooth replacements have improved greatly – aka, dental implants.

Implants have been used for several decades and are regarded as a modern solution to lost teeth – and are becoming more popular with each passing year. 

Dental Implants in Bramhall

Although almost everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implants, the procedure may be more involved and complex for some. 

If the tooth (or several) have been missing for a considerable period of time, there may be an issue with jawbone density which must be sufficient to support the implants.

The first step is to make an appointment with a dentist in Bramhall for an assessment of suitability and to discuss the options available. Once a suitable plan is put in place the process may begin and whether this is for one or multiple implants the procedure is always the same.

Implant surgery is generally carried out in stages meaning several visits to the dental surgery with time allowed for recovery between each stage. The procedure is as follows:

  • Complete removal of damaged tooth and clearance of any debris
  • Preparation of the jawbone for grafting (if required)
  • Insertion of supporting post(s)
  • An abutment (extension) is added to the post
  • Monitoring of healing process
  • Fitting of crown or bridge

The implant is a screw or post made of titanium which is permanently fixed into the jawbone. This will essentially act as a root for the new artificial tooth and the new crown is then permanently attached to the post.

The actual time spent in surgery will vary from patient to patient, but differing circumstances will require fewer or more sessions. 

Procedures can be carried out under a local or general anaesthetic or using complete sedation. Which method is best will be determined by the dental surgeon in consultation with the patient.

Versatile Dental Implants in Bramhall

Implants are one of the most versatile options for replacing missing teeth. Sturdy and virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth, implants are a permanent fixture unlike dentures which must be removed for cleaning. Implants, once fitted, need no special care or attention and can be brushed and flossed as normal.

Unlike dental crowns (another tooth replacement option), implants do not need to be replaced every ten to fifteen years — and should last at least twenty-five years, possibly longer if well maintained. Implants are equally as strong as natural teeth meaning there are no restrictions on the types of food that may be consumed.

Single Tooth. An implant can be used to replace a single lost tooth. Leaving a gap allows neighbouring molars to shift position and this can lead to misalignment as well as issues with the jaw. Most people are suitable for single implant treatment once the bone density in the jawbone is sufficient to support it.

Multiple Replacement. Implants are the best solution when it comes to replacing several missing molars. If the missing teeth are in a row the option of an implant-supported dental bridge may be offered or the installation of what are termed “all-on-four” implants may be recommended by the dentist.

Whichever type of implant is used it will have the distinct advantage of longevity and strength over other replacement methods as well as being far simpler to care for.

Suitability Issues

Although most people are suitable candidates for implants, there are some qualifying criteria that must be met.

Bone Density. The jawbone supports the implants and needs to be sufficiently healthy, strong and dense enough to do so. If the bone density cannot be brought up to the required level by bone grafts then it will be impossible for any implant surgery to proceed.

Poor Oral Health. It is vital that a patient has good oral health before the dentist can proceed with any implant surgery. This means that dental issues such as gum disease or tooth decay must be successfully treated before any implant treatment can commence.

Smoking and Tobacco. The chemicals contained in tobacco and tobacco products can be detrimental to the healing process necessary for successful implant surgery. 

Non-smokers are the preferred candidates for implants as smokers are at a much higher risk of the implants failing. Smokers may still undergo implant surgery but are strongly urged to refrain from the habit as much as possible during treatment.

Any issues that may affect the successful outcome of implant surgery will be raised by the dentist before any treatment will begin and steps taken to ensure the risk of failure is reduced to an absolute minimum.

Perfect Solution – Dental Implants in Bramhall

Fitting dental implants can be an expensive and time-consuming process but it is undoubtedly the perfect solution for replacing damaged or missing teeth.

The total cost involved will obviously vary depending on the extent of the work required and the time taken to carry it out but there are advantages that no other tooth replacement method can offer. 

Because they are designed to last for years, require no special care, and look, act and feel like natural teeth they should be viewed as a worthwhile investment in dental health. In addition, the boost in confidence by once again having a healthy and confident smile is priceless!


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