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22 January 2024

Do You Need a Cosmetic Dentist in Manchester?

Confidence in your smile helps boost your overall self-confidence. However, if you have “problem teeth” you may feel self-conscious when meeting people. As a cosmetic dentist Manchester, we provide dental services that can help restore pride in your smile. 

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Boost Your Smile

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the aesthetics of your smile. It aims to make you feel good and confident in your smile. Whereas traditional dental treatments like professional cleaning, fillings, crowns and bridges are geared to the health and function of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry centres on their appearance.

Of course, restorative work such as crowns and fillings can also help with the overall look of your teeth and therefore your smile. However, the services offered in cosmetic dentistry aim solely to provide a smile in which to be proud. 

The types of dental issues cosmetic dentistry may address include:

  • chipped teeth
  • cracked teeth
  • discoloured teeth
  • misaligned teeth
  • worn tooth enamel
  • uneven teeth

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry in Manchester

If you are looking to improve the appearance of your teeth, it is important to consult with your dentist. They can advise you on the different procedures and which one is most suitable for you.

For all the potential benefits from cosmetic dentistry, because it is not viewed as clinically necessary you are more likely to need to fund the treatment yourself. Therefore, budget could also play a significant role in your decision.

The overall aim of cosmetic dentistry is to bring a more aesthetically pleasing, symmetrical appearance to your teeth and therefore your smile. However, you will need healthy teeth and gums before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. Therefore, any dental issues such as gum disease and tooth decay would need to be addressed first. 

Cosmetic Dentistry Manchester

The following are examples of the most common types of this form of dentistry.

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is the most common form of cosmetic dentistry and the least invasive. Teeth whitening helps restore blemished or discoloured teeth, providing you with a bright, whiter smile. 

Your dentist can whiten your teeth at the dental clinic in a procedure that takes around one hour. Alternatively, they may provide a kit that allows you to whiten your teeth at home, a process that can take a couple of weeks for best results

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding can also be used on discoloured teeth, as well as to improve the appearance of cracked or chipped teeth. A tooth-coloured resin is applied to the teeth to enhance their colour, conceal cracks and chips, or change their shape and close gaps between the teeth.

This makes dental bonding a versatile treatment option and one that is also reversible as the resin is applied directly onto the tooth surface. Usually a pain-free procedure, the resin will need to be reapplied every three to 10 years, depending on how well you look after your teeth. It is also one of the least expensive cosmetic treatments.


Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are placed over the exterior of the affected teeth. They can conceal similar issues to dental bonding. However, veneers require a thin layer of enamel to be shaved away for them to fit comfortably in the mouth. This is non-reversible.

It takes at least two visits to the dental clinic to fit veneers as a mould needs to be taken of the relevant teeth. The veneers are custom-made to match the colour of your teeth, so any teeth whitening should be done before having the veneers fitted.

The work involved makes this style of veneers one of the more pricier options, although they can last for up to 15 years. However, they are more resistant to staining than dental bonding.


Lumineers are a slight variation on porcelain veneers and correct similar dental issues. They are thinner, meaning you may get away without having to remove any tooth enamel. This holds out the potential for the process to be reversible if required. This makes Lumineers easier to fit and cheaper too than porcelain veneers. 

The thinner nature of Lumineers means they are not as appropriate for concealing heavy tooth discolouration or staining. Although they are possible to remove, they have a similar life span to porcelain veneers.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers offer a midway solution between porcelain veneers and dental bonding. These veneers use a composite resin that is applied to the exterior of the tooth, rather than the thin shell of a porcelain veneer. They can be used to cover a myriad of issues such as misshapen teeth, discolouration, and cracked or chipped teeth.

While composite veneers are a less expensive option than their porcelain counterparts, they are more susceptible to becoming chipped as the resin is a weaker material. A sliver of enamel may also still need to be removed to adhere the resin to the affected teeth.

This style of veneer has a shorter life span too of between five to seven years. However, by using composite resin they are easier to repair or replace when necessary.


While cosmetic dentistry treatments such as veneers can last for many years before they need replacing, the length can depend on the right after-care. Therefore, continuing to brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste is important, as is maintaining regular dental appointments.

Your dentist may advise you to avoid biting on hard foods that could risk chipping a composite resin or veneers. You will also want to avoid bad habits like biting your fingernails or chewing on pens. For treatments that are more susceptible to staining, your dentist may also advise you to avoid certain foods and drinks such as red wine and coffee.

Cosmetic Dentist Manchester 

We offer the opportunity to correct teeth imperfections and restore the smile you have always wanted. Your dentist can guide you through the range of options to help you find the most suitable cosmetic dentistry treatment plan for your teeth and your budget.

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