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05 December 2022

What Does An Emergency Dentist Do?

Most dental procedures are scheduled in advance, but certain situations require immediate dental care. For example, uncontrolled bleeding due to an oral wound is an emergency, and it must be treated immediately. Because emergency dentists provide urgent dental care in cases of injury or life-threatening dental conditions, they are sometimes called upon to perform procedures.

Unfortunately, many people do not recognise dental emergencies and when to see an emergency dentist, so this article is for you. To find out more about emergency dentistry, keep reading.

What is an emergency dentist?

In addition to being dentists, emergency dentists obtain additional specialisation and training to treat dental problems and injuries that may be life-threatening and require immediate treatment. Though dentists from other specialties only provide their services during business hours, many dental offices are open round the clock or at least have emergency hotline numbers for patients to request an urgent appointment if they are in trouble.

What is classed as a dental emergency (and what isn’t)?

A dental emergency is defined as a situation that must be addressed immediately if it is to be saved. For example, uncontrolled bleeding, severe infections, and extreme pain are all examples of dental emergencies. Cosmetic dental treatments like whitening and veneers, on the other hand, are not regarded as dental emergencies.

What are the most common dental emergencies?

Dental emergencies can include any of the following:

  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Severe dental infection that extends to other body parts
  • Pericoronitis is a condition where the soft tissues around an impacted tooth become inflamed
  • Dry socket, a painful condition related to clot dislodgement following tooth extraction
  • Tooth fracture or chips
  • Tooth pain
  • Tooth decay that causes tooth sensitivity
  • A dislodged orthodontic wire that impinges on oral soft tissues
  • Dislocated or fractured jaw
  • Tooth decay that causes tooth sensitivity
  • Tooth sensitivity following tooth decay
  • Severe toothache that is not relieved with pain medication
  • Tooth decay that lasts longer than six months.

What are often considered dental emergencies, but actually aren’t?

It is not necessary to treat a dislodged orthodontic bracket as an emergency. Your orthodontic treatment will probably be delayed a little, but it is not something you must be terribly concerned about. It is possible to wait until the next day to correct the problem if you accidentally inhale the bracket.

Does an abscess require immediate treatment?

An oral abscess develops in a localized area due to a longstanding dental infection producing the pus-laden collection. Swollen and red sites are likely in the case of a dental abscess that is left alone, however, if the infection travels to other areas, it may cause systemic problems such as fever, malaise, and shortness of breath. Abscesses can turn into life-threatening dental problems if they are left untreated. Therefore, they should be treated as soon as possible. The lower the chance of side effects and complications, the quicker the treatment is sought.

What is classed as emergency root canal treatment?

Your dentist will remove the infected pulp and replace it with an inert material inside your teeth in a root canal treatment. If the dental pulp tissue raises the pressure inside a tooth and causes extreme pain and discomfort, an emergency root canal is typically required. To relieve the pressure and pain, a dentist may perform a tooth labour in which he or she drills a hole in the tooth and exposes the pulp tissue inside. The following steps in a root canal procedure are accomplished after the emergency has been dealt with.

When should you contact an emergency dentist?

If you or someone you love is experiencing dental infection or pain, you must get to an emergency dentist near me immediately. Even if you’ve got an emergency after hours or over the weekend, you can still contact your dentist using the emergency hotline. Even if you aren’t sure whether it’s an emergency, you should call your dentist and get their opinion first.

How will you know if you need emergency dental treatment?

You might require emergency dental treatment if you experience any of the following:

  • An avulsed or broken tooth
  • A severe toothache
  • Severe swelling causing fever and difficulty in breathing
  • A bleeding tooth
  • Pain in the teeth that makes it difficult to chew or swallow
  • Swelling that makes it difficult to talk or breathe

How can an emergency dentist help?

An emergency dentist is trained to deal with a wide range of dental emergencies, from fractured teeth to dislocated jaws. If you see your dentist immediately after the avulsion of a tooth, your dentist may reattach the tooth and reattach it to the socket. A dislodged crown needn’t be repaired or replaced in this scenario. Thus, you must go to an emergency dentist as soon as possible if you are suffering from an injury or another emergency situation.

What should you do if you have a dental emergency?

Try to prevent damage in emergency situations. For example, if you are bleeding, use a clean cloth to apply gentle pressure to the area to control the blood. If you have an avulsed tooth, try to reinsert it into its socket. However, don’t apply excessive force if it doesn’t fit properly in the socket. You should contact your dentist as soon as possible in case you are away from home.

At Cheadle Hulme Dental, we are committed to providing fast, professional dental care to local residents. Whether you’re suffering from severe toothache or a bleed, we can help you immediately. We also offer high-quality non-emergency dental care, such as dental implants Manchester to give you a beautiful, healthy, and attractive smile. If you’d like your entire family to be cared for at one location, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free video consultation.

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