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09 October 2023

Can Braces In Manchester Provide The Perfect Bite? And Why It Matters

Braces in Manchester

We all know what constitutes a ‘perfect smile’ but what about a perfect bite? Is there such a thing? The answer to that question is yes, absolutely, but it has nothing to do with the way we look and more about how the top and bottom teeth fit together.

When the mouth closes and the teeth are at rest, the top set should overlap the bottom teeth slightly and the molar tips should slot nicely into the small spaces behind the opposing upper molars. This constitutes what’s known as the perfect bite.

Conversely, lower teeth should not touch the back side of the top teeth when at rest, nor should there be any interaction like touching or clenching.

So why is the ideal bite important?

A less-than-perfect bite (malocclusion) isn’t always a huge issue and many people experience little to no problems. However, for others, an imperfect bite causes a whole host of issues including:

  • Wear and tear on opposing teeth
  • Jaw joint problems, and
  • Muscle pain.

Severe cases can also prevent people from chewing food properly, which can, in turn, lead to digestive issues like bloating, gastroesophageal reflux diseases, and constipation.

Therefore, good teeth alignment is more than just a cosmetic issue, it also plays a part in improved oral and overall health.

Unfortunately, few are born with the perfect bite, and armed with the wealth of dental information that people now have access to, it’s no surprise that many are turning to orthodontic braces.

Our Manchester-based Church Road dental practice, for example, has seen an influx of adults wanting braces treatment, and we’re not alone. According to a 2018 survey carried out by the British Orthodontics Society, 75% of UK orthodontists have seen a rise in adult braces patients over the last decade.

So, how do braces here in Manchester help?

Essentially, orthodontic braces are the best way to bring teeth back into alignment and work in several ways.

Firstly, ‘bracket and wire’ style appliances like metal braces, ceramic braces, and ‘behind-the-teeth’ lingual braces in Manchester are permanently fixed to the mouth and move teeth using gentle and sustained force.

So how does that work?

Force is applied by an archwire which is threaded through brackets glued to the outside (or inside) of the teeth. When pressure is applied, it triggers a biomechanical process known as bone remodelling. Bone remodelling occurs when cells known as osteoblasts and osteoclasts break down and rebuild the supporting bone around the tooth, simultaneously.

Essentially, this juxtaposing sequence of events, along with the guided force of the archwire is what causes the tooth to shift.

As a side note, a dentist can also control the movement and/or rotation of a tooth or teeth using manually targeted adjustments. Adjustments can be carried out regularly or infrequently, depending upon the patient’s oral condition.

What about clear aligners? How do they move teeth?  

Alternatively, aligner-style appliances consist of a series of tailored plastic trays worn over the teeth – a bit like an invisible gum shield. They work on the same principle by applying gentle sustained force. However, rather than the force coming from a visible archwire, bone remodelling is triggered by the snug-fitting aligner itself which gently manipulates the tooth into the desired position.

It’s worth noting that each aligner is designed to move the teeth just 0.25 – 0.33 of a millimetre. So, once that move is complete, the aligner is discarded for the next one in the series. The process continues until all the aligners have been worn and the teeth are in the ideal bite position.

Both clear aligners and fixed braces here in Manchester have their advantages and disadvantages so talk with your local dentist as they can help you decide what’s best for you.

What about other treatments for an imperfect bite?

The good news is that orthodontic braces work in most cases and can be adapted to fix most teeth misalignments including:

  • Crossbites,
  • Overbites, and
  • Underbites

However, in some cases, jaw surgery can be used to correct major discrepancies between the upper and lower mandible.

In other instances, particularly when the jaw is overcrowded, tooth extractions are performed to free up space, although this is usually done as a last resort. Extracting a tooth can create room for the remaining teeth, while braces help to guide them back to their desired positions.

Not happy with your bite?

There’s a lot to be said for the perfect bite and this often goes hand in hand with the ideal smile.

Essentially, better bite alignment allows you to chew and digest food properly, annunciate words, and speak clearly. Oh, and it also balances up the jaw, providing improved symmetry for that ‘perfect’ look.

So, don’t put up with an imperfect bite. Visit Church Road Dental and Cosmetics and talk to us about how our state-of-the-art braces in Manchester can help you get the smile (and bite) you really want.

Call today to discuss your options.

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